Transparency Act

“The Transparency Act shall promote enterprises’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services and ensure the general public access to information regarding how enterprises address adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions”. (The Transparency Act, section 1: Forbrukertilsynet)

On July 1st, 2022, the Transparency Act entered into force in Norway. The Hesnes Group stands behind the Act’s purpose; which is to ensure that businesses respect and informs the handling of negative conditions associated with human rights and working conditions.

Our owners, board, employees, partners, and suppliers must familiarize themselves with, as well as comply with, our ethical principles which cover ethics, anti-corruption, HSE, the environment and obligations to respect basic human rights.

We continuously strive to improve ourselves, which is deeply established culturally throughout our entire organization.

The aim of the Transparency Act is improvements in the areas listed above, and that the information available will allow consumers to make more informed choices. This obliges us to respond in writing to questions related to our work with basic human rights as well as decent working conditions. If you have any questions about how this applies to the Hesnes Group, or if you do not receive an answer within three weeks, you are welcome to contact us by email at We also invite all customers, suppliers and partners to use the email address for any reporting related to the Transparency Act.

Information about our work with the Transparency Act will be updated on our website.

For more information please see:
Åpenhetsloven – Forbrukertilsynet (Norwegian) or
The Transparency Act – Forbrukertilsynet (English)