Norwegian Energy Trading is well known as a global provider of comprehensive bunker brokerage to the marine industry and works with some of the leading ship owners and operators around the world. More than 50 years in the international bunker industry gives us a solid track record and reputation in the market.

Bunker brokerage

Due to a large consolidation within the bunker industry, Norwegian Energy Trading has seen a steady increase in demand for traditional and comprehensive independent broker services.

With our vast experience as brokers, we provide our customers with full transparency as we negotiate directly with physical suppliers and barge operators with own license and BDN. Our vision is to be the preferred and trusted partner related to the bunker procurement process.

Credit facilitation

With IMO 2020, the bunker industry will be faced with more challenges and there will undoubtedly be more credit risk as ship-owners and ship operators will need larger credit lines in order to comply with higher bunker prices.

Norwegian Energy Trading has, over the last decade, obtained large credit facilities with major suppliers world-wide. We have also extended our bank facilities in order to prepare for the upcoming regulations. We have long standing experience with credit facilitation for our customers and by securing term contracts and own cargo in selected areas, we are also able to offer different pricing models based on customers’ requirements.

Market intelligence

For more than 30 years, we have provided market analytics through our daily oil market update and also on request from clients.

We are frequently contacted by various financial newspapers in Norway to provide our comments on oil prices. This is a service we believe is highly regarded and that our clients can benefit greatly from, especially with regard to timing of firm enquiries.


This is one of our most coveted services and has provided our clients with extensive transparency and considerable savings.

We provide several different types of benchmark solutions, which can all be tailored to almost any needs. These are not only catered to apply to only one broker/trader, but could apply to a group of several brokers/traders. Don’t hesitate to get in touch for your custom solution.

Risk management

In an ever-changing oil market with high price volatility, we are ready to assist and advice on price risk management.

Bunker hedging is a good way to secure your exposure towards oil prices and can help you keep your operating costs predictable throughout the year.

Outsource procurement

Norwegian Energy Trading offers fully integrated solutions for bunker procurement for our customers.

We have vast experience in handling bunker requirements throughout the entire chain. This includes communication with all parties involved, from ship, to agent, to supplier, etc.